With so many people stressed out about the processes and working of iMocker, we've decided to design this page dedicated to answering some of the most asked questions users have had. With these questions, you will be able to find a solution to most of your problems with the tool, along with the troubleshooting steps involved. So let's get into it!
Although the process might seem technical, it's not! To update iMocker to the most recent version, all you have to do is:
For the purpose of getting the most out of your iMocker application, you need to make sure that you are running the most up-to-date version on the device. To check what version of the tool is currently running on your device, all you need to do is:
iMocker is set to be a globally acclaimed application with support for over a dozen languages. You can change these languages from the menu section and this also allows spoofed location names to be displayed in the native languages. Some of the supported languages are:
If you have been encountering trouble booting up into iMocker or if the application has suddenly and unexpectedly stopped working on your device, the first suggestion is to uninstall the app and reinstall it from the website. Make sure you get the latest version of the application, and it should work. If the problem persists, you can reach us out via email and provide us with a crash log so we can assist you further. Additionally, you can read this tutorial to figure out where to find the crash logs from.
If you've come across a problem that we have failed to list here, firstly, we would like to apologize for the inconvenience. To help you get rid of the issue at hand, we would urge you to reach out to us with a detailed description of the problem along with screenshots, if possible. Our team will try to get back to you with assistance as soon as possible.